To connect is literal the meaning of the word yoga. Also focusing the attention. (See Yoga Dipika BKS Iyengar p. 15). Merging and uniting opposites. To bring light in the darkness in the sense that the purpose of yoga is to overcome pain and suffering which means freeing you from the prison of the mind. You are not your thoughts, you are not your mind! One of the reasons I finish every class with sitting meditation.
A true inspiration are the ideas and books by Eckhart Tolle, “The power of Now” and his latest book “A New Earth”. I’ve read it many times. And books about mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Yoga refers mostly to hatha yoga, the physical side of yoga with the dynamic and static postures, movement series such as the sun salutation and the so-called asanas. Look at the videos under the menu video.
In addition to the hatha yoga there are many other forms of yoga. Yoga where breathing exercises, pranayamas are central and fi meditation . In Tantra yoga we focus on the sexual energy, a form of life energy. Besides that yoga originally is a spiritual path, it is good for your health. Due to the specific asanas focussing on seven main chakras it promotes energy flow throughout the body. This will connect mind, heart and belly with each other and restores the balance in the whole body. Thinking, feeling and acting coincide and become one again, ONE.
Yoga provides:
- balance in the various organs and systems of the body
- slows down the natural process of aging
- and makes you strong and flexible
- increases vitality
- improves digestion
- combats stress and fatigue
- calms the mind
- promotes endurance and stamina
- accelerates spiritual growth
- increases consciousness and selfconfidence
Rob: From the depths of my heart I want to thank you for the very nice lesson last night. I felt afterwards twice as spacious and open. The stretching and breathing gave me a lot of energy. I felt very great and since times again very quiet inside. I also slept well. I had and still have even now that energy. As you know, I experience through my work a lot of negative energy, but it was the experience of the lesson and the positive energy that I was able to release this negativity today. Thank you for this, due to your way of teaching.
Maurits: Ha dear Frans. I wish you a beautiful and inspiring new year! And thank you very much for all the wonderful lessons and personal ‘intensive’. You really are an amazing teacher and I tell this to everybody.
Paul:I meant not only that my body but also my mind experienced a positive effect. Your peace and openness are very pleasant and it was also reinforced by the atmospere in the room with the free view. You’re a very nice man and that impressed me, you live this life and that is noticeable. People who realize their dreams and manage to achieve their goal are really special and pleasant to be with. I will definitely continue with yoga and also work on my general fitness and practice at home.
Han: I do want to let you know that I am very excited about the lesson of yesterday; great. But I feel a bit guilty if you did exercises that a majority of the group does not like. I understand that it is not always like this, and that you adapt to the needs of the whole group – I found it very nice.