Yoga and meditation class | € 18 (2 hrs) | |
Yoga session private | € 75.(1,5 hrs) | |
Orgasmic Yoga private | € 90 (2 hrs) | |
Orgasmic Yoga/mindful masturbation class | € 150 (5 x 2.5 hrs) | |
Yoga and massage private | € 175 (2,5hrs) |
Individual session online €75 (75min)
4 hands massage | € 220 (1,5 hr) | |
Thai Yoga massage, without oil | € 95 (1.5 hrs) | |
Ayurvedic Thai Yoga M, with oil | € 145 (2hrs) | |
Cashmere Tantra massage | € 145 (2 hrs) | |
Taoist Erotic massage | € 145 (2 hrs) | |
Pelvic Floor release massage | € 175 (2,5 hrs) | |
Intake Sexological bodywork/Sekscoaching | € 90 (2 hrs) | |
Intake SB/SC relationship session | € 120 (2 hrs) | |
Private sessions SB/SC | € 145 (2 hrs) | |
Relationship session SB/SC | € 175 (2.5 hrs) | |
Payment by ING bank account NL07INGB0004067492 to F.G.J.M. Trepels in Amsterdam
*You can always try out a yoga class. If you don’t like it, you pay only the trial class. If you want to continue, then commit for 10 times and pay for 10 times in advance.
*Sexological bodywork/sex coaching starts always with an intake/introduction interview.
*Individual sessions only by appointment in advance
*Appointments cancelled within 24 hours will be charged 50%